We provide Preclinical CRO Xenograft Studies

T-47D Xenograft Model

T-47D Cell Line Derived Xenograft

The T47D xenograft model is a widely used preclinical model for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, derived from the human T47D cell line. It is an estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, progesterone receptor (PR)-positive, HER2-negative model, making it highly relevant for studying endocrine therapy resistance and hormone-driven tumor progression. This model exhibits moderate tumor growth in immunodeficient mice and maintains key histopathological features of luminal breast cancer, making it valuable for evaluating novel therapeutic strategies, including endocrine therapies and targeted agents. Gene expression profiling of T47D xenografts reveals high levels of ERα and PR, indicating hormone dependency, along with upregulated cyclin D1 (CCND1) and activation of PI3K/AKT and mTOR pathways, which contribute to tumor proliferation and survival. The model also exhibits low expression of basal-like markers, consistent with its luminal classification. It serves as a critical platform for investigating estrogen signaling, endocrine resistance, and cross-talk with growth factor pathways. Mutational analysis identifies a loss-of-function TP53 mutation (L194F), leading to impaired DNA damage response and reduced apoptotic potential. Additionally, PIK3CA mutations (H1047R) drive constitutive activation of the PI3K pathway, contributing to tumor growth and resistance to PI3K inhibitors. Other alterations, including changes in RB1 and CDKN2A, further impact cell cycle regulation and therapeutic response.

T47D is a human breast cancer cell line that was established from a ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. DCIS is a non-invasive breast cancer that arises from the cells lining the milk ducts. In addition, the T47D cell line has been used to study various other biological processes, such as hormone signaling, apoptosis, and the effects of environmental toxins on breast cells. The T47D cell line is particularly useful for studying estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancers, as these cells express high levels of the estrogen receptor and are responsive to estrogen. Use of the human T-47D cell line derived xenograft (CDX) is vital for studying novel cancer therapeutics.  Breast cancer, the 2nd leading cause of death for American women, is extremely heterogeneous.  Thus, any therapeutic studies performed in vitro must be followed by a well-designed xenograft study.  The combination of an immunocompromised mouse with T-47D human cancer cells enables researchers to study anti-tumor efficacy of lead compounds (e.g. progesterone, tamoxifen, gemcitabine).

The T47D xenograft model is essential for breast cancer research as it closely mimics ER-positive tumors in patients, providing a robust system for studying hormone receptor signaling, testing endocrine therapies, and developing combination strategies to overcome resistance. Its relevance to luminal breast cancer makes it a key tool for advancing precision medicine and improving outcomes for patients with hormone-driven tumors.

T-47D ER+, PR+/-, HER2, p53(mut)
Origin Breast
Disease Ductal Carcinoma
Metastatic Models (Breast) 4T1
Non-Metastatic Models (Breast) BT-474, HS578T, KPL-4, MCF-7, MDA-MB-157, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-453, MDA-MB-468, T-47D

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T-47D Xenograft Model

What is a Xenograft?

Development of an anti-cancer therapeutic requires intense, well planned studies that follow a streamlined path for success.  Primary studies are performed in an in vitro setting that allows for high throughput screening and analysis of multiple compounds of interest.  This method enables a focused compound screening approach of multiple cell lines within a specific cancer type, or a divergent approach across a broad range of cancer types.  Ultimately, in vitro screening results need to be confirmed in an animal model due to in vitro inadequacies of cells cultured on plastic, as this method is far removed from the microenvironment of a tumor.

As the logical next step in therapeutic development is the administration of the test compound in a living animal, a cell line derived xenograft model (CDX) is created by inoculating human cancer cell lines in test animals.  The injected cell lines grow into established tumors, thus, permitting efficacy studies of the test compounds.  An alternative to CDX models is the patient derived tumor xenograft (PDX) which consists of implanting human tumor fragments directly in a mouse model.  The PDX model avoids concerns with the CDX model since the tumor is never grown on plastic and there is no selection for single cell populations.  In contrary to CDX models, the ideology of PDX models is to maintain the cell population, structure and stroma of the initial tumor.

Why use Xenograft Models?

Cell line derived xenograft (CDX) models or patient derived tumor xenograft (PDX) models enable a larger realm of parameters to be studied not capable with in vitro studies.  The complete animal system model expands the scope of studies available to include the effect of test compounds on pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), alternate routes of delivery, inhibition of metastasis, CBCs, dosing regimens, dose levels, etc.  However, one of the major drawbacks of CDX and PDX models is that the human cancer cell lines or human patient derived tumors must be implanted in immunocompromised mice in order to bypass the graft versus host rejection by the animal.  With the increasing focus of the immune systems role in the recognition and elimination of tumor cells (i.e. immunotherapy), major consideration must be taken into account during experimental concept design of the limitation of checkpoint inhibitors or desired immune response involvement in tumor efficacy.  Similarly, any tumor regression after treatment with a test compound in these models will not exhibit the potential complement cascade or innate immune response of the injected therapeutic in humans.

What we offer?

Our in vivo xenograft service department evaluates the efficacy of preclinical and clinical cancer therapeutics utilizing more than 120 PDX and CDX validated immunocompromised xenograft mouse models.  The value of utilizing our xenograft service department is highlighted by the ability to completely characterize the efficacy, dose regimen, dose levels and optimal combination ratios of lead compounds for cancer, obesity, diabetes, infections and immunology research.

During the design and execution of the xenograft study, our scientists will communicate with and assist the client’s decisions regarding these details:

  • Study Group Formation: classification of mice by body weight, tumor size or other parameters
  • Cancer Cell Line: use of in-house cell lines or utilization of customer-provided cell lines
  • Tumor Implantation: intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, submuscular or intravenous
  • Test Compound Administration: intraperitoneal, intravenous, tail vein, subcutaneous, topical, oral gavage, osmotic pumps or subcutaneous drug pellets
  • Sample Collection: Tumors/tissues can be fixed in 10% NBF, frozen in liquid N2 or stabilized in RNAlater; blood chemistry analysis can be performed throughout the in-life portion of study


Our vivarium is designed such that it enables cost-effective and first-rate preclinical effectiveness testing services. All animal handling and maintenance is regulated following IACUC guidelines.  Our facility consists of the following:

  • IACUC-regulated and GLP-compliant
  • Controlled, limited access lab areas
  • Disposable cages
  • Sterile food and water
  • SPF (specific pathogen-free) animals to guarantee pathogens do not interfere with the experiment
  • Established animal handling and micro-injection equipment systems, including an animal health observation program
  • All studies follow pre-approved SOPs

Our staff understands that each proposed study design is unique and customized to the client’s needs.  We also recognize the importance of the delivered results as being confidential, highly reproducible and that 100% of the intellectual property (IP) is owned by the client.

In order to receive a quote for your xenograft study, email us the specific details listed below in order to efficiently begin the study quote process:

  • Cancer cell line(s) used in the study
  • Number (n=) of animals in each study group
  • Number of study groups and control groups
  • Tumor implantation route
  • Administration route of test compound
  • Species of immunocompromised mouse (e.g. NOD/SCID, athymic Nude)
  • Treatment and dose schedule
  • Study endpoint and analysis (e.g. tumor growth delay, PK/PD, survival, toxicity, drug combinations)
  • Samples collected: tumor and tissues to be collected, including storage condition (e.g. snap frozen, RNAlater, 10% NBF, nucleic acid isolation)

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T-47D Xenograft Model